甲冑  六十二軒小星兜一式 家紋 笹りんどう  追加画像1

甲冑  六十二軒小星兜一式 家紋 笹りんどう  追加画像1


IL2 ヘンダーソン基地を攻撃せよ 一式陸攻・零戦五二型




I have a question.

Is it okay to post such a game play on youtube?


1465 supersensitive


We’re happy to assist you with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have!

We consider ourselves extremely fortunate to have fans actively engaging and creating with our game content.

Using the guidelines here and at the link below, we encourage you to make creative and dynamic works walkthroughs, Let’s Play, Speedruns, reviews, etc. using Ubisoft game content, and publish to your website, YouTube or similar digital services.

Please keep in mind that this Policy is meant to allow you to create videos that include your creative spin on our owned content. Therefore simple duplication of our official trailers, TV ads and non-dynamic in-game footage is not in keeping with the spirit of this policy, not authorized and will likely result in the removal of your content. This policy is intended to help foster community and creative expression. Simply duplicating content does neither.


Please let us know if you need anything else or have any questions.

Thank you,

Ubisoft Video Rights Team
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